No Reason to Fear Viruses

2 years ago

People normally think of viruses as something to be feared. However, most viruses are not enemies or killers but play important roles in the origin, development and maintenance of the life of all species on our planet. In fact, viruses are the most successful species on Earth, and they are ubiquitous. There are more viruses than there are stars in the universe. They are everywhere, in our oceans, in our environment, in animals, plants, bacteria, in the air, within our body, and even as part of our genomes. They influence our health, our well‐being, mental states, our gut microbiota, and help us cope with drug‐resistant bacteria. Viruses built our immunity, and they protect against other [bad] viruses like the man-made SARS-COV virus that was unleashed on humanity as an excuse by the ruling class to overthrow civilization, vertically integrate wealth, and to herd us all into a the new Technocratic feedlot they've been designing for us to live in.

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