A Little Background History May Explain Why Putin Attacked Areas in Ukraine

2 years ago

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Great video, it makes a few things more clear on why Putin went into Ukraine.

I can't believe that SO many people are swallowing the corrupt media's narrative on the Ukraine/Russia situation. In my opinion, Putin is NOT attacking Ukraine citizens, he's taking out Deep State assets there. Who are the Deep State? They are the Khazarian Mafia/the Ukraine Neo-Nazis/the Biden crime family/CIA/Soros/Obama/Pelosi/Clintons/Kerry/Trudeau/Freeland and others. Alot of corruption there including bio-weapon labs/a major money laundering structure/child sex trafficking rings and tunnels/drugs/weapons, etc. And let's not forget Uranium One and Burisma - lots to hide. Just about everything you see on the mainstream media right now is a concocted lie. Critical thinking required folks....

Fake News: https://rumble.com/vw6dk5-kim-iversen-debunks-fake-russia-ukraine-war-videos-spread-widely-on-social-.html


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