People's Convoy: You are reclaiming The United States from the global criminals that stole her.

2 years ago

I wanted to suggest a clearer mission for consideration.

This is a peaceful protest by men and women from the American heartland to reclaim our government from the global criminals that stole her. These powerful elites in banking, corporations, governments, and inter-governmental organizations have infiltrated the government of the United States of America. They are given cover by the mainstream media information ministry. The global cabal exploited the Covid 19 phenomenon to manipulate and control a population in order to usher in their evil Great Reset. They have now been exposed, but they are still operating, often in plain sight. We have been selected to stop them. As we grow in numbers and visibility we will gain support from white hats in government, but we the people are called to do the hard work first. That is why we are here.

Thanks to our Canadian brothers and sisters for inspiring us.

Rev Kev has no direct affiliation with The People's Convoy or any other trucker group. Rev Kev speaks for himself.

Old School Counselor (Rev Kev) is the Founder and Pastor of Living a Good Life Church. The views expressed in this video are a reflection of his free exercise of religion.

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Members of Living a Good life Church do not engage in political activities as part of their official capacity as church members. Members speak for themselves as individuals.

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