Revelation Lesson-31: Where Do You Stand? - Part II

3 years ago

Today we are in Lesson-31 in the series “Come Lord Jesus!” from the book of Revelation.
This lesson is titled “Where Do You Stand? – Part II” and our focus passage is Revelation 14:6-13. Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.
As a reminder, our study of Rev. 14 it’s divided in three lessons. In our previous lesson we covered Part I and we discussed “A Great Commitment” from Revelation 14:1-5.
Next time we will conclude with Part III, and we will look at “A Great Harvest” from Revelation 14:14-20.

With the study of Revelation 14, we will complete the study of the section of Revelation that covers chapters 12-14.
I have grouped the study of these three chapters in a section called “Great Signs in Heaven” for the many signs John saw in his vision.
However, as I have studied these chapters, another theme has emerged: the theme of allegiance.
Allegiance has been defined as “loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause.”
In the end times, everyone will have to make a statement of allegiance to someone: God or Satan. Where Do You Stand?

In today’s lesson we are going to focus on Rev. 14:6-13. Angels are very busy in the book of Revelation.
In this next section of Rev. 14 we are going to hear proclamations from three different angels.
The Greek word used here in this passage is angelos which is used to describe “a supernatural being created by God to serve Him; often functions as a messenger.”
God has a lot more to say to the inhabitants of the earth and He is going to use angels to convey His message.
Let’s get started.

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