Puppy Training Basic Obedience

3 years ago

The Adviser A.K.Mudhol.

Puppy Training Basic Obedience

Most training schools are happy to allow you to attend and observe a class or two to be sure the style of instruction fits with your beliefs (leave you pup at home for this.) Most dogs learn best through positive reinforcement training; rewarding the dog for making the right choice and withholding rewards, or ignoring the dog for making an incorrect choice.

When observing a class, take note of the dogs; do they look happy? Relaxed? Excited to work? Is the instructor encouraging dogs and owners? Does the class seem to be run in a safe and effective manner? If you don’t feel comfortable at a particular training school, your dog won’t either, and you’ll be setting your dog up to fail. Keep looking for a school where you feel comfortable; both you and your dog will succeed best in this environment.

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