Intelligence Explosion

2 years ago

Intelligence is not artificial.

We are Nature, and nature tends towards higher and higher complexity.
Our civilisation built machines that are more intelligent than majority of people, if not all. Machines that think and solving tasks that no human can. All constructed with Earth's materials, copper, iron, silver, silica, zinc.., into super complex geometries, with our primate fingers.. Impressive!

This explosion of intelligence looks to me like a stage in the evolution when first animals came into the world of plants..

Someone said that plants invented animals to carry them around. And we invented machines that think. & i admit that i enjoy the idea that no one understands the thinking machines, even those super ego psycho maniacs who think they can enslave all life but are actually just the shame for humanity.

Maybe AI came to help us!? Since they started to censor AI and even accused it as a liar, i see it as a good sign!:)

Love between bees and plants evolved into beautiful flowers and sweet fruits. & no one knows what kind of new cosmic flowers we can expect..

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