Edward Dowd - What's Really Driving the Covid Scam

2 years ago

Another perspective on what is actually driving the Covid issue which I like to call the “Scamdemic”! There are in fact many parts to the story and now, after around two years, the data is out there which proves who is lying to the masses. Here is a very important part of the lie which many might not have figured out, and this is made clear by financial expert Edward Dowd who is doing his best to expose the fraud.

I've taken clips from two video's. They are both well worth watching in full. The first is from this video below hosted by international speaker and Neuro Linguistic practitioner Sara Haboubi. Her guests are Edward Dowd, Nick Hudson from PANDA, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Billy Ralph


The second video is from an interview with Steve Bannon on his War Room channel, and he goes into more detail with Edward:


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