Returning Soon. Sooner then you think. DJT - We Must Keep Pushing Forward

2 years ago

No Apologies here. DJT is single-handedly leading a world-wide Alliance to rid the planet of the Deep State Satanists who have been running our lives (YES - YOU TOO) for generations.

When the evidence and proof of the horrors of child sex trafficking and torture and killing of children are exposed and the work that DJT has done in cleaning up these vermin, any doubts you had about DJT will fade to zero.

To do this Godly work, he has had to drain the swamp of Washington DC and the rest of the world.

He has had over 50 assassination attempt on his life. No, you won't hear about any of them as the lying and corrupt CIA-sponsored Main Street Media continues to be a weapon used against all of us. Treason is treason and many who work in and for the MSM are going to go down to Gitmo and never return.

God Bless Donald Trump.

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