3 years ago

He is spending more of YOUR money on other countries while CAUSING MORE INFLATION AND FOOD SHORTAGES for YOU as he arms ANTIFA type militants with military grade weapons and allows these COMMUNISTS into our state. The media and the corrupt governments of the world are LYING to you about Russia and the Ukraine. Try to debunk any part of what I say in this video (hopefully EVERY PART) and you will see. This one is beyond obvious if you look. Russia and Ukraine account for around 14% of our global wheat production (flour) and are the Number 1 and 5 suppliers for about 30% of the GLOBAL wheat supply. Your Governor just stopped the majority of our flour imports on top of everything else. All the businesses that had Russian product could not sell them.. THEY WERE ALREADY PAID FOR so I guess the businesses of VT take another HIT? NY is seizing bank accounts if people were invested in or taking part of Russian businesses or trade? WHAT? Deceit, an abuse of power and "the people"; Insanity at it's BEST. PLEASE SHARE .. and look deeper. Open floor on camera debate welcome for anyone who wants to try to show me where I wrong. Like the politicians, I will get no takers. Pray for the PEOPLE of the world.

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