More Vaccine Lies Exposed - Gene Therapy, DNA Conversion, Hepatitis, Inflated Deaths

2 years ago

Bayer exec lied about gene therapy to reduce vaccine hesitancy and bragged about it. Studies are out showing conversion of mRNA into DNA in liver cells, and autoimmune hepatitis. Actual COVID deaths are VASTLY being overreported as well. Finally, a 1981 book shows that elites have been planning a depopulation event like this for decades.

To support my work:
XMR : 4B8QvSN26azhnA1sYFwReRFcwmAfP6ZpT9MTqkkcsA5VCAn97jt1gKUFHv8Dmbh2av5XSi6GoSxAADsXccCjauyaMcs3ttS

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