Anarchy, in The Name of Civil Rights: The Communist Plan

2 years ago

Mike Baker
Published on Jun 22, 2020

Black Lives Matter is a lie. There is no genocide of young innocent black men going on at the hands of white people as the mainstream propaganda media would have you believe. In fact, according to FBI statistics, there were only ten cases in which unarmed African Americans were fatally shot by the police during 2019. In 5 of those 10 cases an officer was being attacked by the perpetrator just before the shooting, and in two of the remaining five cases, the officer was criminally charged for his actions. So, where is the widespread racial injustice against black people by police? During the same year, 25 unarmed white Americans who were fatally shot by the police.

Even though black Americans make up only 13% of the population they commit over 50% of all murders in America. In fact, blacks killed ten times more white people than do white people kill blacks. Meanwhile, a police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be killed by a black man than an unarmed black man is to be killed by a police officer.

Black Lives Matter has been a huge lie since it's very beginning. The Communist group is heavily funded by George Soros, the same man who collaborated with the Nazis during WWII, and who is responsible for flooding Europe, America, and Australia over the past 20 years with hordes of Middle-Eastern Immigrants. Using his vast fortune, he also was a key player in the recent overthrow of the government of Ukraine. Soros also funds Antifa, another Communist group which always works hand-in-hand with Black Lives Matter towards Soros' primary goal: dividing our country, creating chaos, and then driving America into the waiting arms of the elite's New World Order, a Fascist, one-world Technocracy that only pretends to be Socialist.

The Black Lives Matter movement began on social media in 2013, after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. However, the case against Zimmerman turned out to be a lie, as the prosecutor was caught using a fake witness, and presenting fake evidence during the trial.

Founded by known Communists, and fueled with millions of dollars from George Soros and the Communist Chinese Party, Black Lives Matter organized race riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Chicago, and quickly began recruiting an army of paid haters, hiding beneath their masks of social justice.

The entire foundation of Black Lives Matter is an obvious lie, and yet, the lie continues to sell. Why? Because black families and black communities have been broken by government programs such as Lyndon Johnson's Great Society welfare programs that incentivized single motherhood, and got black people hooked on government handouts. It sells because people worship celebrities, athletes, and rap stars like false idols, and believe the mainstream media is a source of undisputed truth. It sells because people are afraid of being called a "racist" even when they know that too is a lie. And it sells because many people prefer their own rage over seeking the truth about the true causes of the ills that plague our society.

Following the CoVid-19 PLANdemic and lock-down, which has been perhaps the most traumatizing time for any American alive, Black Lives Matter nakedly joined forces with Antifa, and used the death of George Floyd as an excuse to wage war upon the American people, dragging innocent people from their cars, burning people's homes and their businesses to the ground, looting everything in sight, and demanding that white people bow before them and kiss their feet. They are literally subjugating white people, parading them around in chains, and even demanding the dissolution of police departments throughout the country.

What do you suppose is coming next?

Black Lives Matter is a dangerous cancer that is poisoning our already damaged society. The mainstream propaganda media, our elected officials, world leaders, and practically every multinational corporation are all on board with BLM and Antifa. However, the real problem is that we Americans continue to allow this lie to exist, when all we have to is be brave enough to get up off our knees and tell the truth about what's happening in our country. If we don't do that, in the end, we'll get exactly what we deserve.

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