Day 9: Updates from on the Ground in Ukraine

3 years ago

The war and the atrocities need to end immediately. A musician, Serge, who is living in Kyiv – the capital city of Ukraine – joined Sekulow to explain what is going in on the ground there:
"I am here in Kyiv from the first day of war when they started to invade. I have been here in my apartment with my family. . . . We woke up at 5am because of explosions . . . the sound of explosions that our air defense system worked on the rockets pointed at Kyiv and actually rockets were pointed all over Ukraine. Unfortunately, there is no safe place all over the country. So right now, they are trying for seven days to enter the city with no success. Besides that, they are trying all the cities in our suburbs and other cities . . . almost completely destroyed. I should say that it is very rare cities with more than a thousand of years of history with a lot of cultural objects."
Serge gave a message for the world during these trying times:
"The main message is . . . last night they tried to capture the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe. . . . The main thing [is] that they started shelling it with artillery and tanks and heavy weapons, and that is ridiculously dangerous. . . . They stage their attacks mostly on civil districts, on schools, and children, a lot of civilians dying. So, the main thing we don’t understand what the goal is are they trying to destroy everything and what? So, it is very dangerous and there is no logic in what they are doing right now, and so this should be stopped immediately, and the whole world needs to know about it because it is very dangerous."
Poland is dealing with most of the refugees coming over from Ukraine. Founder of From the Depths, Jonny Daniels, is in Poland right now and joined Sekulow to discuss what he’s seeing as refugees are fleeing Ukraine:
"This has been one of the most shocking weeks of my life. It’s the kind of images that none of us would ever imagine to truly see in today’s day in age. You’re seeing hundreds of thousands of people escaping, running, mothers carrying children in their arms with no cushions, no bags, people leaving their whole lives just to stay safe and stay alive, and it’s really shocking. It is tremendously sad and difficult. It’s one of the most incredible things I have ever seen."
He also was able to coordinate with Jews in Ukraine and assist them in relocating to Israel:
"I am a pretty proud Jew, but I think during this time, I have been even prouder. I have been prouder of my country, what we have seen is truly amazing. Ukraine was home to a not small Jewish community of maybe about 150,000 people, people that were Jewish, but Ukrainian Jewish. Now when these people left, as a Jew they have the right to move to the state of Israel. So Israel took it upon itself to take any citizen who wants to and who has the right . . . to move to Israel and has basically plucked them out and helped relocate them to Israel where they are taking them and giving them basically a new life . . . that is safer and better for them. . . . Yesterday, I took a young mother and her one-year-old son and bought them a fresh pair of clothes because they didn’t have any. . . . These are the people that are escaping, the people that are staying it is much worse. . . . People are literally starting to starve."
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with even more analysis of Russia’s war on Ukraine.

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