“Deception Was My Job” KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov

3 years ago

“Deception Was My Job” was the title of an interview that Yuri Bezmenov gave in 1984. Yuri Bezmenov, former USSR/Soviet informant and KGB operative defected to the United States in early 1970. In this interview, Yuri proclaimed that the senior leadership of the USSR, Soviet, and Marxist systems understood that they could never defeat the West and the United States militarily or economically. Instead, Yuri Bezmenov lays out the Marxist plan to destroy the US from within in four stages of “Ideological Subversion” through active measures. “Ideological Subversion” uses the indoctrination of young, simple, and weak-minded youths that are trained by Marxist professors in universities on Marxist theories and organized into Marxist groups. Some examples of these Marxist theories are Critical Race Theory (CRT), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and Social Justice Movements. Examples of the Marxist groups or militias are the Burn Loot Murder (BLM), ANTIFA, and Democratic party.

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