Lesson 6:Animal Strength - Legs

3 years ago

FC25 - DB Split Squat Drops x 25 each leg (Use 85-90% of 1RM ~ 4-5 rep range)
Negative-Only - Physioball Bench Glute / Ham Raise - 1 x F
FC25 - Barbell Pulldown Squats x 25 (Use 85-90% of 1RM)
Negative-Only - Physioball Bench Glute / Ham Raise - 1 x F
FC25 - DB Step Ups x 25 each leg (Use 85-90% of 1RM)
Negative-Only - Physioball Bench Glute / Ham Raise - 1 x F
FC25 - Stiff Legged RDL’s x 25 (Use 85-90% of 1RM)

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