Top Things You Need To Know Before You Go To Bali

3 years ago
This video is about the 9 things NOT to do in Bali. These are lessons we learned from our trip that we’d like to share with you so you are more prepared than we were. Our 9 Don’ts include: Don’t use unmarked cars or taxis. Bluebird taxi is the official taxi company there and is the most trustworthy. Don’t drink the tap water. This may seem obvious but can help you plan your trip by bringing your own water bottle to fill up on bottled water or even bring a filter to be more environmentally friendly. Don’t eat at any random street food place – you want to avoid getting sick called Bali Belly so pick places that are busy recommended or have good reviews on Yelp. Don’t use any bank machine to get your money. Bali is known for theft of bank card information and theft and many bank machines have skimmers (or card readers). Use ATMs in busy convenience stores or actual banks. Don’t eat Western Food. You’re in a new country and part of the fun is exploring local cuisine. Balinese food as amazing so worth trying. Nasi Goreng and Mie Goreng are friend rice and fried noodles dishes and are so delicious. Avoid aggressive hawkers. Especially ones saying you’ve won something like a free stay and want to take you on a long car ride. This is somewhat obvious but you can get caught up in their friendliness. Don’t pet stray animals Our kids love animals so this was tempting for them as there are a lot of cute animals wandering around. Pet only animals that are with owners and seem well taken care of and you have asked permission. Don’t feed the monkeys There are many monkeys in Bali and they can be very aggressive. They will be aggressive about food and even take your sunglasses of your head or your phone. Hide all belongings and avoid getting bitten. We hope these Don’t’s will help you feel more prepared for your trip to Sign up for free travel advice Music Provided by Click on link to sign up. Music: Epidemic Sound: Aporia - Raccy Isla - Timothy Bali balidonts balitips

This video is about the 9 things NOT to do in Bali. These are lessons we learned from our trip that we’d like to share with you so you are more prepared than we were.

Our 9 Don’ts include:
Don’t use unmarked cars or taxis., Bluebird taxi is the official taxi company there and is the most trustworthy.
Don’t drink the tap water. This may seem obvious but can help you plan your trip by bringing your own water bottle to fill up on bottled water or even bring a filter to be more environmentally friendly.

Don’t eat at any random street food place – you want to avoid getting sick, called Bali Belly, so pick places that are busy, recommended, or have good reviews on Yelp.

Don’t use any bank machine to get your money. Bali is known for theft of bank card information and theft and many bank machines have skimmers (or card readers). Use ATMs in busy convenience stores or actual banks.

Don’t eat Western Food. You’re in a new country and part of the fun is exploring local cuisine. Balinese food as amazing so worth trying. Nasi Goreng and Mie Goreng are friend rice and fried noodles dishes and are so delicious.

Avoid aggressive hawkers. Especially ones saying you’ve won something like a free stay and want to take you on a long car ride. This is somewhat obvious but you can get caught up in their friendliness.

Don’t pet stray animals Our kids love animals so this was tempting for them as there are a lot of cute animals wandering around. Pet only animals that are with owners and seem well taken care of and you have asked permission.

Don’t feed the monkeys There are many monkeys in Bali and they can be very aggressive. They will be aggressive about food and even take your sunglasses of your head or your phone. Hide all belongings and avoid getting bitten.

Music Provided by
Click on link to sign up.

Epidemic Sound:
Aporia - Raccy
Isla - Timothy

#Bali #balidonts #balitips

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