Michael Greger M.D. - The Best Diet Against Cancer

2 years ago

Michael Greger from Nutritionfacts.org reveals the best diet against cancer in this video. Discover cancer-causing foods you need to avoid now and what to eat instead.

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Learn how meat causes cancer:

Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is our second leading cause of cancer death. It is extremely rare in native African poor populations. Native Africans have more than 50 times lower rates than Americans. The modern African diet is highly processed, low in fiber, yet there's been no dramatic increase in colon cancer rates.

The diets of both African Americans and Caucasian Americans is rich in meat. Whereas the native Africans' diet is low in meat and saturated fat.They have cholesterol levels averaging 139 compared to over 200 in the US. Maybe the rarity of colon cancer in Africans is associated with their low animal product consumption.

This degradation of undigested protein in the colon is called putrefaction. This purification process can be toxic. The same thing happens with other animal proteins. If you eat egg whites, for example, some of that can putrefy too.

Cancer Prevention

Animal protein consumption causes an increase in blood levels of cancer, promoting growth hormone called IGF-1. But remove meat, egg, white, and dairy proteins from our diet and our bloodstream can suppress cancer cell growth about eight times better.

The link between animal protein and IGF-1 may help explain why those who eat low-carb diets tend to die sooner. But not just any low-carb diets, specifically those based on animal sources, whereas actually vegetable-based low carb diets were associated with a lower risk of death.

Eating animal protein increases IGF-1 levels, which increases cancer risk. Most malignant tumors are covered in IGF-1 receptors, but if we have less IGF-1, the tumor may not progress.

Heme iron is the form of iron found in blood and muscle and may promote cancer. Cancer has been described as a ferrotoxic toxic disease, a disease in part of iron toxicity.

Iron is a double-edged sword. Iron deficiency causes anemia, but excessive iron may increase cancer risk by acting as a pro-oxidant generating free radicals that may play a role in a number of dreaded diseases like stroke. But only the heme iron, the blood and muscle iron, not the non-heme iron that predominates in plants.

And that's not to mention all the other stuff like the saturated fat and industrial pollutants and hormones that may play a role in our third leading cancer killer, breast cancer. Steroid hormones are unavoidable in food of animal origin.

Dairy Causes Cancer

The cow milk may be a particular concern. The hormones naturally found even organic cows milk may have played a role in the studies that found that a relationship between milk and dairy products with human illnesses, not just like teenagers' acne, but prostate-, breast-, ovarian-, and uterine cancers.

We know milk consumption increases IGF-1, which is linked to cancer, and we're milking cows while they're pregnant, leading to particularly high levels of hormones. Women can cut their breast cancer risk more than half by not just being normal weight and limiting alcohol, but also eating mostly foods of plant origin.

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