“The Ballad of Jack the Carney” by Jake Schlegel

3 years ago

Music video for “The Ballad of Jack the Carney” by Jake Schlegel, from the album “Strangebirds”

Music: Jake Schlegel

Video: David Tembleque

Jack keeps the ferris wheel spinning like the loose wheels in his mind Always seems a little nervous, a little bit behind
And he can’t afford the good weed no more
It used to help him pass the time

Long days long lines but the Carney will get by

Jack just found out yesterday that the rona might take his job away
The poor bastard he aint’ got nothin saved
He spent it all on alcohol and three dollar pull tabs
Bad luck, bad vibes

Long days long lines but the Carney will get by

It’s so hard to make a livin’
When you barely can survive
Hustlin rubes out on the midway
Under the flashing neon lights

Long days long lines but the Carney will get by

Well he’s off the grid and off his meds
Tryna’ choose between blue or red
He took a heavy dose
And now he’s all alone
Eating gas station hot dogs and watching Alex Jones
Too weird to live too rare to die

Long days long lines but the Carney will get by

What will become of all the Carneys
When we’ve shuttered up the world
Utter darkness on the midway and a rusty old tilt-a-whirl
Long days, long lines, a mirage of neon signs

Long days long lines but the Carney will get by

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