How I Added One Hundred Pounds To My Bench Press When I Was A Teenager At 6' 4" and 190 Pounds.

3 years ago

So you want to add weight to your bench press?

Well, who doesn't

When I was a teenager I probably devised the most primitive plan ever to increase the weight of my bench press. Every week I would set a mark for a three rep bench press and if I hit that mark I would add 2.5 pounds to both sides of the bench press. If I didn't, I would wait another week and try again.

Seems weak, huh

Well that was the attitude that I got in the weight room too.

Until, 2.5 turned into 5, 5 into ten, ten into 15, 15 into 20 and so on and so forth until I gained 100 pounds on my bench prees.

In hindsight, if i were in a calorie surplus I would have gained a lot more strength a lot faster.

Fast foward some years and when I was adding 250 calories to my daily calorie intake, my strength shot through the roof, but so did my fat.

The morale of the story is if you want to get stronger / bigger, you need to tracck your calories and ensure that you are in a calorie surplus, but not so much so that you gain a lot of fat. Just enough until your body adjusts, and understands how to use those extra calories and repeat until you have gained the strength that you want but not the fat.

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Shout out to my father BAMMOR (check out his song "Quit Your Grinnin Drop Your Linen), my Brother, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike O'Hearn, Natural Gallant Bodybuilding, Jay Cutler, Ryan Humiston, Golden Era Bookworm, Daryl Conant, Vice Gironda, Reg Park, Larry Scott, Steve Reeves, Flavcity, so on and so forth for all the great content and encouragement. Go check out their channels for great youtube content.

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