Bill Cooper's Mystery School Series w/ Commentary by IllumiGnostic, pt. 1 of 144,666

2 years ago

Milton William Cooper was best known for his book, "Behold a Pale Horse," a book that nearly single handedly spawned the conspiracy theory movement. Bill Cooper claimed to have accessed top secret information regarding the Kennedy assassination, UFO's, and the role of secret societies that control the world from behind the scenes. He died in a hail of bullets after firing on police that were trying to take him into custody, hitting one in the head and killing him.
At some point during his life Bill created this series of recordings about the Mystery Schools, and one of our patrons commissioned me to listen to them and offer commentary, a task which I (obviously) accepted. Despite Bill Cooper's extensive research, I disagree with much of what he says, largely due to his Christian influence, and Right-wing political conditioning. I thoroughly enjoyed making this first video, largely because Bill sets me up to defend the Mysteries and to set the record straight on so many of the popular misconceptions. This series will encompass about 40 hours of material, ranging from the early origins of mankind, the development of a spiritual faculty in early man, to the possibility of an impending global extinction. This one will be a wild ride.

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