Elden Ring - Black Knife Assassin - Review

2 years ago

Black Knife Assassin is the most Sekiro like aspect I've seen so far in Elden Ring along with the music which is really good this time. This boss started out with half it's health for some reason so I used a weaker weapon one step above the club. I'm basically using the same strategy as the Cemetery Shade where I located the best opportunity for backstabs due to quick recovery times from the boss. I found a very unique window for a backstab whenever the boss performs a tiny thrust then I quickly turn my character around and hopefully the command registers. I found that the Claymore had a better registering window than the club somehow however it just be a placebo effect which seems to work for me from time to time. I'm having a lot of fun turning simple bosses into challenges however I'm starving for more complex and satisfying fights already but the world of Elden Ring has been too interesting to concentrate on the main path. Anyway I know there's multiple Black Knife Assassins so if they're different enough I'll make another review though if it contains multiple enemies then I may just pass because I rather display a clean fight not a sloppy one and multiple enemies with a boss is usually very messy especially when the wrong type of enemy is used. Once again I didn't like this boss very much. When I have to go out of my way to compose a challenge then there's something significantly wrong with the design which is what I've had to do for quite a few bosses already.

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