LET US READ Luke 14 (King James Version)

2 years ago

The Book of Luke is of the gospel genre. After a small introduction, Luke tells the story of how Zechariah was told of the birth of John the Baptist by the angel, Gabriel. Gabriel was sent to Mary of Nazareth and told her of Jesus’ birth. Luke tells of the birth of Jesus and that He was presented in the Temple on the eighth day after His birth. John the Baptist is already preparing the way of the gospel. When Jesus was about thirty years old, He was baptized by John. Luke then lists Jesus’ genealogy. Luke tells of Jesus’ temptation while He was in the desert for forty days. The people of Nazareth drove Jesus out of town. Jesus heals many and calls for His first disciples. Jesus teaches many people the gospel. In His teachings He uses parables and healings. Jesus feeds five thousand people with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus warns His disciples, especially Peter, not to tell the people that He is the Christ. Peter, John, and James went with Jesus up onto a mountain. Jesus’ transfiguration occurred there. Jesus teaches the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus gives many warnings and encouragements. During the Last Supper, Jesus tells Peter that he will deny knowing Him three times. Jesus prays on the Mount of Olives and then is arrested. Peter does indeed deny Jesus three times. Jesus is taken before Pilate and Herod. Jesus is crucified, dies, is buried, and is then resurrected. Jesus appears to His disciples and then ascends to heaven

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