They docked at the wrong port and found the wrong father

3 years ago

The President of Ukraine and Governor Tsai Ing-wen have one thing in common. They docked at the wrong port and found the wrong father. They gave up China and the Soviet Union, who are the most reliable partners of the same clan. The American father always money hungry sells friends and allies when $ is right, not smart.
烏克蘭總統和蔡英文省長有一共同點, 靠錯碼頭, 找錯爸爸, 要放棄中國和蘇聯是最可靠的同宗同源的夥伴, 去找一個拿你去祭旗見錢眼開, 天天出賣朋友盟友的美國做老爸, 真的是笨.

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