Facing the Wrath of God

3 years ago

America has suffered a number of catastrophic events in the last five years stretching from coast to coast and border to border. There have been hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, drought and fires, and as a minister of the Gospel, I see these events as selective judgments from God upon a nation that has embraced sin and mocks God.

This last weekend I was moved by the Holy Spirit to note that the television stations began warning people about severe weather front that stretched from Texas north to Kansas. A local station in Sacramento informed its viewers that they had sent one of their weather forecasters to Oklahoma to watch for possible disasters. During my 37 years in the Sacramento area, I have never seen something like this done and it seemed odd that a local station would send one of their reporters to an area before a disaster had occurred.

When the first reports came in that tornadoes had struck Texas and wiped out a number of small towns, I began to feel that something bigger was going to come and then was a large tornado on May 20th that went through the suburb of Moore, just south of Oklahoma City.

I watched the destruction of a large city and the associated death toll of adults and children with sadness. I heard a pastor on television say that we were in this together and that with faith and hard work we can come out of it. But there was something noticeably missing, this minister never spoke about the need for repentance.

I was especially grieved with Barack Obama’s special announcement to the nation on May 21st. He stepped into the press room with Vice President Joe Biden and Janet Napolitano (Secretary of Department of Homeland Security), who stood quietly while Obama spoke like a child facing an adult crisis and having no solution. He claims to be a Christian but he didn’t ask the American people to seek God and repent of their sins; instead, he asked them to donate money to the Red Cross and spoke about rebuilding the damaged area. I saw a man void of any spiritual discernment and unable to give spiritual and moral leadership to the nation.


That night every major television network covered the devastated area from Oklahoma. As I watched the secular media comment on the event, I wondered what the Christian media had to say. It was disappointing to see two different leaders focused on money rather than repentance none of the Christian channels interrupted their programming to address the dire need of our nation. Sadly, there is no real Christian leadership in the United States today since David Wilkerson went to be with the Lord.

I am just a pastor/evangelist with an outreach on the Internet but this morning the Holy Spirit moved upon me to speak out and give the American people a message from God that other ministers are unwilling to do.

The prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah were hated by the political leadership in Israel and despised by the people because they were bearers of bad news. However, in looking back some 2,500 years, we know these two prophets heard from God and the kings and the people were wrong.
Read the Rest: https://eaec.org/desk/05-21-2013.htm

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