Woe unto Israel, China, the lukewarm and wicked

3 years ago

Jesus is about to snatch His bride out of here and the lukewarm will not be taken at all and will have to find El Shadiai by themselves, then The Most High said to Noah build a ark for i will send a great flood because I can't stand the wicked anymore and will destroy them, put two of every kind of animal in the ark and Noah did as the Lord commanded then the Lord said Noah enter the ark with your family and I will close the door, so Noah and his family entered the ark and the Lord shut them in and He made it rain and everything that lived died but Noah and his family were spared, Angels grabbed lot his wife and daughters and said quickly flee to the Mt for we are sent to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and can't until you flee , lot said please let us go to Zoar and the angels said very well but you must go now for we can't do anything until you are safe, lot, his daughters and wife fled Sodom and Gomorrah but lot went into a cave because he did not want to go to Zoar and the Lord poured out fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah and everything that lived in the plains but lot wife looked back and got turned into a pillow of salt, then there will be great tribulation that the world has never seen or will ever see again, The Lord has had it with the wicked and lukewarm and is about to pour out His wrath on everyone left behind and no one will stop God from doing it!! He has had it!! Woe unto everyone left behind!!!

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