Retirement Accounts: How to INVEST your Roth IRA (Stage 3)

2 years ago

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We receive a lot of questions around INVESTING your Roth IRA ... "Can I buy Crypto Currency with my Roth IRA?" "Should I just buy and hold an Indexed fund?" "What type of investments should I be buying with my Roth IRA?"

A Roth IRA can be a great investment vehicle, but, you're going to have to make your own investments. Or, you'll have to choose a financial advisor to do that for you. In any case, you want to be benchmarking your performance against an index, and you'll want to make your investment selection based on your time-horizon, tolerance for risk, and understanding of the stock market.

Keep in mind, once you purchase stocks, bonds, ETF's, mutual funds, or other investments with your Roth IRA, your account balance will start moving up and down. One thing is for certain, your balance will not stay the same. So, be ready for the constant ups and downs of your account balance.

In this episode of BrightWealth, Scott McLaine, BrightWealth Host and Academy Instructor answers all you questions about investing your Roth IRA. Be sure to leave any additional questions in the comments

* "Can I invest in Crypto in my Roth IRA?"
* "What types of investments can I choose from?"
* "Should I just buy an indexed fund like the S&P500, DowJones, or Nasdaq?
* "Should I just have an investment advisor do this for me?

Whenever you deposit funds into your Roth IRA, those funds go to a 'Cash' account. You'll have to purchase securities with the funds.

In this video, we take a quick look at Stage 3 - Investing your Roth IRA. As with all investment options, there are pros and cons to the Roth IRA. Please use this video as education content only.

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Nothing in this video should be considered as personal advise for you specifically. You should consult with your financial advisor before making any investment related decisions.

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