"C-Flu" 2019-2022 Choices, Challenges and Change

2 years ago

This video was cyber-censored in February 2022 by Vimeo.

I do not have any Letters after my last name. I am not a scientist.
In this well-researched video I present information.
I don't tell anyone what choice to make. The purpose of this webinar is to highlight that in America we take many of our rights for granted.

This Includes our 1st Amendment right to free speech.

This includes our right to choice what we put into our bodies as well as what we take out of our bodies as sovereign human beings.

Accelerated Conscious Evolution is about exactly what this name implies. Accelerating conscious evolution in human beings is upon us right now.

Choices, Challenges and Change are here to lead us into deeper awareness, being able to feel a body resonance when truth is spoken, and changing the global "Taker" infection into a cure for people everywhere. It's time for our planet and all of us together to be free.

Do your own due diligence and research!

I have done mine.

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