We're Watching a Fake Show in Ukraine! Evil Oligarchs Hiding Big Stuff!

2 years ago

The FAKE News, and the Ukrainian mafia, along with U.S. Criminal Politicians, such as Joe Biden, Hunter Biden & Family, Obama, Clintons, Soros and more!

Have been stealing Ukraine’s resources from Ukrainian citizens for their personal gain! They only want power, money, and all our resources around the world!

Use common sense- they same people working so hard to cover and hide EVERYTHING are the ones working with Hollywood & the media to make the world look anywhere but at them!

All these evils are why our world is currently upside down! Yet the world continues to believe all their trickery, smoke & mirrors….again!

Trump, Biden, Xi, and who knows who else are trying to expose them and give back to the people what is rightfully theirs!

Please research THOUROUGHLY before you jump onboard with their PROPOGANDA and fight the only people that are trying to do what's right for us.

All these evils are trying to put an end to all of humanity! They do not care about people- only personal greed. Have we learned nothing by now?

It's time to focus on them-and not helping them spread their lies.

From what I've witnessed on Fox- they are 100% compromised now too!

Please stop and think!

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God wins!


Ukrainian Oligarchs, US Criminal Politicians, Joe Biden & Family, Obama, Clintons, Stealing Resources, Stealing from Ukrainian Citizens

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