The Great Awakening and The Great Reset

2 years ago

The spring Holiday season is upon us, with all its grandeur of blossoming salvations for all. There are two stages of this celebratory process. Purim and Pesach. These are referred to as two redemptions and two periods of miracles, and they work in tandem.
The first phase of deliverance is the great awakening. Seeing HaShems infinite love and kindness hidden in the thick of darkness. As the winter draws to an end, so too the pleasantness and purposefulness behind every detail of our difficult and painful exile comes to light (for those who look). Our Purim celebration begins with recognizing and eliminating evil forces and habits from our lives, as they did in the Megillah by destroying Amalek. We read from the Torah, prophets, and Megillat Ester about this accomplishment. Once freed from evil and selfishness, we continue to the most joyous festival of the year, of giving and helping our fellow man. In song and dance we have a huge feast!

The second phase of deliverance is the great reset. The reimagining of a new and improved lifestyle in our eating, speaking, and all behaviors. As the spring begins in the month of Nissan, so does our resolve to blossom into a holier nation and kingdom of priests (Exudes 19:6). The Pesach celebration starts off with “spring cleaning” and purifying the home from all chometz. Then we enter the holiest celebratory nights of the year with the Passover sedarim. We eat matsa and maror and the rest of the Passover delicacies by a royal table full of guests. We say the haggadah and Hallel with extreme elaboration for all to re-experience the exodus.

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