Episode 551 Lent practice per St. Francis DeSales - Part 2 - When Christ Pardon's no more

2 years ago

Christ’s Church, like himself, is both divine and human. It is divine in its constitution and doctrine, human in its members. The Church is infallible, but its members are not impeccable. Everyone, from the pope down to the lowliest of the faithful, may fall into sin. Christ, knowing the frailty of human nature, instituted the sacrament of penance to restore to his friendship those who might lose it by sin. Christ said: “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” (Mark 2:17).

In the confessional Christ is the physician of the soul. When absolution is given by the priest it is confirmed by God. The priest is the delegate of God-the wire, as it were, between the penitent and God. Confession is a wonderful comfort to the sinner. Many persons go from bad to worse because they have started on the wrong path. Confession gives a new start and a new heart. Confession, however, is not only for those who are in serious sin but for everyone who tries to advance to holiness. Confession is a preventive as well as a remission of sin. It is not only a preventive but also a means of sanctification, since it confers a special sanctifying grace. Some very holy persons go to confession daily, for, as was said previously, confession, although necessary for mortal sin only, is advisable for all those who aim at a holier life.

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