WEF Schwabian party gets owned by German MEP in European Parliament

3 years ago

Credit Instagram's @thy_hesitant_one for bringing this video to our attention. This excerpt of a speech at the European Parliament building in Brussels by a German MEP is subtitled in English. The MEP is very concerned about the Schwabian operation to penetrate Western politicians such as Angela Merkel and Anneliese Bierboch with his "Great Reset" which entails transhumanism and other various ills. He namechecks Microsoft and Amazon, as well the Secretary-General of the UN and the International Monetary Fund.

He is particularly troubled about the survival of democracy, which he equates with Western values and fundamental rights such as the ownership of personal property. Indeed he mentions a white paper published by the Federal government of Germany in which it is envisioned that the future Smart City will be liberated from these so-called problems, as if data and information can be a panacea for reality.

Yes, 20th century transportation such as taxis can be ameliorated by services like Uber and bike-sharing. But this service still has the problem of ownership: the capital necessary for durable goods (cars, bikes) is either municipal (government) or private (either corporate or private). The categories of ownership do not change, they are only masked by the novelty of the technology.

One problem is that (information) technology interferes with (property) ownership. Does the citizen have rights to the privacy of his or her information? In the 20th century this was not even questioned. With the digitalization of services (like car or bike transportation) the ownership of your data (like your geolocation) is in question. In the 20th century your ownership of the vehicle and its instantaneous geolocation was unquestioned. In the 21st century of the Schwabian party your ownership of your geolocation data is null and void. You can see this already with digital public transit passes, in which your movements are tracked by your entry access to the system. It says here that the digital system provides imperfect privacy protection from unwarranted intrusion, because every piece of data is tagged even if some of it is discarded. This can be seen in the furore [0] surrounding the December 2021 PHAC access to cell phone data.

The Schwabian party proposes amongst other things, to defeat the privacy protection that has developed in Western societies since the issue was raised by digitalization. We reject the WEF proposal as Mussolinian fascism cloaked by saccharine smiles.

[0] https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadas-public-health-agency-admits-it-tracked-33-million-mobile-devices-during-lockdown

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