Secret Societies, Cults and the Occult Part VII” “The Illuminati and Freemasons”

3 years ago

Our tour guide will be a man by the name of Jack Harris who was a worshipful master of a masonic lodge until his conversion to Christianity.
In every lodge there is a room…and each room is set up basically the same way:
On one wall is chair where the worshipful master would sit…this chair has a G carved into it…this chair is the place of authority in the lodge.
The G stands for geometry but it also can reference the sacred name of a deity.
I say it like that because this is the definition of God found in Henry Wilson Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia and Mackey’s Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry:
“God is the Great Architect of the universe, or the Grand Architect, or just Deity.”
The problem with associating the G with the God we know and serve…is that the G in masonic hall can stand for any god you worship.
This what the Grand Lodge of the State of Maryland writes:
“Thus, Masonry is a great fellowship of men of all countries and ages who are capable of discovering in the religious teaching of all humanity, some of them crude indeed, the fundamental truth common to them all. That God is the Father of all mankind, and all men are brethren. That this principle is worth dying for and that he who remains steadfast in the service of this ideal may well hope for and expect immortal life.”
Okay…there is a lot to digest here…so let’s bring this statement into the Light of God’s Word.

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