Art Bell with Hopi Elders Speak Robert Ghostwolf 1998

3 years ago

The first half is the Hopi elder answering questions about coming changes. Second half gets into callers who are talking about their awake insights/dreams/visions. They fall in line with channeled messages of today, and dreams/visions regarding missing adults and orphaned children, where the awakened people are asked to care for the children.

Also discussed by the Hopi elder is what sounds like mass genocide (Vaxx?), axis tilt in the sun that impacts Earth, multidimensional shifts, the divergence and bodies going up in smoke (disappearing), weather changes... quite a lot of stuff.

The Hopi elder speaks in his native language, which is translated by an awakened Hopi healer and teacher, Robert Ghostwolf.

I used a Linux script to dig into Youtube for Coast to Coast shows and it found the interview, but when searching via their search engine, I cannot find it. The title is the same as I posted here. I only found an interview with Robert talking about ancient artifacts from previous civilizations:

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