Combatting Lies in the Ukraine / Russia conflict.

2 years ago

Exposing the reverse-victim propaganda tactics that NATO + the USA is playing in the propaganda surrounding the Spring 2022 "Russia Invades Ukraine" situation. There are 2 main lies going around I address here.

Someone asked why doesn't NATO just END this conflict in the Ukraine. My response, posted here because MANY people don't understand the manipulations going on in these political and military maneuverings:

NATO could stop all this drama if they _wanted_ to. They don't want to. NATO are the ACTUAL aggressors here. If you see what Russia has been saying / complaining about for over 10 years, and finally has had enough.
Russia entered into agreements that NATO PROMISED to not try to expand to the East. Promises NATO has totally broken over and over again in the past 10 years, and then finally with NATO/Ukraine courting each other, LITERALLY putting NATO's weapons on Russia's border... This is what has been happening.

NATO + USA has been actively and intentionally PROVOKING Russia to attack for over 10 years. They set it up, then BLAME Russia for trying to defend itself. Look at it this way: if Russia put hundreds of missile launchers at our border with Mexico, we'd understand this is a DIRECT THREAT. The USA would HAVE to respond to this with military force.

Biden (who is directly doing tons of criminal business with the Ukranian criminal leaders, the Khazarian Mafia) and NATO are playing a game to deceive the public and bait-and-switch so the West + Ukraine can trick the public into sympathy. There are many layers going on but the bottom line is that the West IS the aggressor, bur PLAYING like they are the victim.

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