The Greatest LIE in Spirituality | The Kybalion, Hermeticism & Occult Knowledge [Documentary]

2 years ago

In this short documentary / short film, we cover the divine paradox, natural law, THE ALL, spiritual traps and false teachers, and why we are living in the divine reality.

Part I: THE ALL & Natural Law
Part II: The Divine Paradox
Part III: The False Prophets of "Non-duality"
Part IV: This is the Divine Reality!


You are not God! This new age deception is a naive misinterpretation rooted in self-denial that gets disguised as "non-duality". Just remember that duality is sacred and is in fact ESSENTIAL for creation. Duality isn't some silly illusion made up by the human mind. Duality is what created the human mind in the first place. God is so far beyond our mortal minds. The very task of trying to understand God is but a fool's errand that will lead you to chase your own tail until the end of time. That being said, what we can do is try to understand the Laws that have been put in place and do what we can with the level of our human understanding.

I don't usually feel this strong about a philosophical position, but after experiencing some heavy falls because of certain spiritual traps, and observing others going down the solipsism route, I feel like it's almost my duty to at least share valuable knowledge I've learned on my journey. I think it's not only important to learn practical philosophies, but to learn about potential traps, since those are the ones that do the most damage. ESPECIALLY if you think it's for spiritual growth,

Again, please do not take my word for it. Discover yourself what is true and do the critical self-inquiry to weed out the bs. Many of the points in this documentary was borrowed from "The Kybalion" by the 3 Initiates. I highly recommend studying Hermeticism, as it will provide you with profound Truth and wisdom about Natural Law which is practical and verifiable. This is the real deal. None of this new age fluff ;)

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