The Importance of Maintaining Harmony in the Sangha in a Time of Great Disharmony

2 years ago

The teachings of the Buddha exhort all of us, more than anything else, I would suggest, to examine everything for ourselves. This includes not just the nature of mind in a process of analytical meditation but also phenomena itself that has to do with the ebbs and flows in the nature of change as the human race itself evolves, as much as this relates to the quantum nature of empty space comprising all we experience. We're living in a time of profound quantum change where even the cultural expressions of the dharma itself are being greatly challenged.

So much of the current modern dharma has associated itself with the paradigm of a world that is very quickly now falling away.

All of us who have dedicated ourselves to the dharma have committed ourselves to this, where most of us really have no idea what this fully means.

Our experience is the spotlight on this, what reveals much of our shortcomings more than what realization we think we've arrived at. This current time is a litmus for this beyond compare to any time in our history, i would venture.

So many attacks have happened against humanity itself for centuries now.

How is now is this any different with the bioweaponry now being employed? How do we really take to heart the teachings of the Buddha and Padmasambhava? In a time of intentional plague with many implications beyond our comfortable existences?

We are under biological attack as a species for reasons beyond what many want to comfortably countenance.

Fundamentally, I would suggest, it has to do with removing our capacity to progress on the spiritual path, as it were. This is how totalitarianism ultimately wishes to manifest, in terms of the ultimate control of consciousness itself, and when it has access to technological control systems to make this possible, perhaps we should take the time to examine something outside our usual parameters.

As an ordinary practitioner with many faults, i exhort you to this.

We can't separate ourselves from the time we live in, a time in which transhumanists would like to expunge all of us of independent mind and will. Please pray for all those in Ukraine and Yemen and Tibet and all the so many dark corners of our world that represent the boot heel of ignorance, so-called, that is just the misinterpretation of things as they are.

What is the state of your mind? What is your dharma in a time of intentional plague? The present moment is this very question that embodies all answers, i would suggest.

Thank you to Lama Shenpen for joining us again.

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