‘State of the Ukraine’ Address, Guests: Cotton, Hurt, Cammack on SOTU and Andrew Breitbart’s Legacy

3 years ago

Host Alex Marlow break down Big Joey’s awkward and probably ineffective State of the Union address. There were some silver linings, though, by way of hollow—but somewhat encouraging moments—if you were able to get through all the stumbling and bumbling. President Biden acknowledged that we are a nation divided, but apparently he has nothing to do with it, and only a bunch of new government spending can fix what ails us. We have three guests today, all top notch. First, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL), who was in the chamber last night, gives a firsthand analysis on the uncomfortable nature of event. She also breaks down why she thinks some sudden policy pivots from Biden will prove to be toothless. Next, friend of the show and Washington Times Opinion Editor Charlie Hurt discusses the lessons of the late Andrew Breitbart, in particular how Andrew’s humility was one of his unsung virtues. Then, we get into how some sections of Biden’s State of the Union address that should offend everyone. Finally, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), a combat veteran with a deep understanding of national security and foreign policy issues, explains how the U.S., under competent leadership, could have done more to discourage Putin from invading Ukraine. He also evaluates fundamental mistakes we have made over the last week and continue to make until this moment.

The Breitbart News Daily Podcast runs Monday through Friday as a “Director’s Cut” of the SXM Patriot radio show. Hosted by Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, you’ll hear Alex’s take on the big political stories, interviews with various newsmakers, and the Patriot “Caller of the Day.”

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