3 years ago

Doug Valentine explains the role of the CIA in the Ukraine since the end of WWII where it planted sleeper cells and was the cutting edge vanguard of its efforts to take down Russia.

After WW II the CIA hired a LOT of Nazi's. The Nazi Rocket Scientists to name a few. But the Nazi's worked for the USA, when they should of been tried and hung for crimes against humanity.

The CIA has been developing Facists Assets in the Ukraine for 70 Years. Those operations are directed against first the Soviet Union and after its collapse then against Russia. Now it is hard for the mainstream media and Gov to shift the narrative to have good relations with Russia.

The Ukraine CIA operations are the cutting edge Vanguard against Russia. CIA recruit Ukrainian Politicians that have similar Western Views - they corrupt them with money and use them as puppets.

CIA is nothing more than Organized Crime. CIA is PRO-NWO. The NWO is a Satanic Cult of Criminals. They are an evil Cabal.

The intent is to destroy Russia and to PROFIT from all their Natural Resources. The CIA arranged a Coup of the Politicians and Biden placed his son Hunter in there. They are gangsters. We don't see the level of extortion and blackmail.

The CIA literally had a governmental coup of Ukraine. The CIA paves the way of Money to the Corporation by performing covert criminal illegal activities.

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