Spring Garden Prep

3 years ago

I am an inexperienced gardener learning through Trial and Error, sharing my journey with you.

Last year we filled an entire raised bed with straight mushroom soil. We had decent success considering that is all we used, but not all of our plants thrived. Upon reading up on mushroom soil, I could easily be pulled in multiple directions on the "best way" to use it. However, again, I choose to limit how much time I spend researching and instead dive in! We opted to remove about half of the mushroom soil and put it in our fabric pots.

We also had a second refurbished garden bed that housed only potting soil, so we filled the other half of our pots with the potting soil. (Approx. Ratio of 50% mushroom compost and 50% potting soil)

At the end of our days work, we still have more potting soil to purchase in order to finish, but we are hopeful this mix will bring us a successful second year of gardening.

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