Dog newspaper: yes or no?

3 years ago

Dog newspaper: yes or no?
But, after all, buy newspaper for dogs is a correct attitude? Especially when the issue is pee, the choice goes far beyond mere preference of the guardian.
According to veterinarians, although the common newspaper is more economical, the mixture of paint with urine can cause damage to the animal's health.
"These damages include from simple allergies, by exposure, to gastrointestinal disorders, because the dog can consume the paint when licking their paws," he warns. That is, although it seems like a simple newspaper, this object can bring serious disorders.
In addition, the low absorption of urine by the old newspaper for dogs can harm the welfare of the animal, which starts to get wet paws and lick them, causing skin lesions and infectious processes.
In order to ensure more quality of life for your friend, there are already on the market, newspapers developed exclusively for hygienic use and may be an option to consider: the pet newspaper.
They come from reforestation, are thicker, with greater absorption power, use water-based paint and in sufficient quantity not to affect the health of the animal and do not leave footprints around the house.
If you are having trouble teaching the dog to pee in the right place, know that switching to the toilet mat can help!
This is because, in addition to being more comfortable for the dog than the dog newspaper, the mat is still designed with attractive odors.

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