Opposing Views: Islam - The End of Europe? | Mohammed Hijab & Ayaan Hirsi Ali #140

2 years ago

In this episode of Opposing Views, we explore Islam as a religious and cultural phenomenon. Mikhaila asks her guests about peace, religious differences, violence, treatment of women, nonbelievers, Sharia, the veil, and much more.

Mohammed Hijab is an author and philosopher of religion who seeks to spread a better understanding of traditionalist Islam while engaging with prominent thinkers and philosophers around the globe. He is a co-founder of the Sapiens Institute.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an activist, feminist, author, scholar, and former politician best known for activism against women’s treatment in Islam. She just published ‘Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women’s Rights’ and has her own podcast about politics and religion.

If you enjoyed this conversation, be sure to subscribe!

Follow Ayaan Hirsi Ali: https://twitter.com/Ayaan
Check out her books: https://amazon.com/Ayaan-Hirsi-Ali/e/B001H6O0P2%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share
And her website: https://ayaanhirsiali.com/
Or her podcast: https://ayaanhirsiali.com/podcasts

Follow Mohammed Hijab: https://twitter.com/mohammed_hijab
Check out his lectures at Muslim Central: https://muslimcentral.com/audio/mohammed-hijab
Or his Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCHDFNoOk8WOXtHo8DIc8efQ

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[0:00] Intro
[02:52] Ayaan Hirsi Ali
[04:37] Ayaan’s Experience & Views
[06:25] Living with Radical Muslims
[08:23] Intro to Mohammed Hijab
[09:05] Hijab vs. Ali I
[09:35] Mohammed’s Experience
[11:38] Superiority of Islam
[13:36] Misogyny I
[15:31] Sharia
[23:13] Hijab vs. Ali II
[25:01] Nonbelievers
[34:00] Misogyny II
[41:06] The Veil
[42:20] Misogyny III
[45:11] Islam’s Spread
[48:34] Islam in Europe
[52:48] Rate of Growth
[58:25] Al-Qaeda & ISIS
[01:04:11] Islam & Christianity
[01:11:02] Violence
[01:12:31] Wisdom
[01:15:22] Western Democracy & Islam
[01:23:02] Peaceful Coexistence
[01:30:45] Closing Thoughts: Ayaan Hirsi Ali
[01:32:01] Closing Thoughts: Mohammed Hijab
[01:32:03] Outro
#AyaanHirsiAli #MohammedHijab #Sharia #Islam #Violence

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