Sequential Function Chart Programming Tutorial

3 years ago

A very simple sequential function chart programming example to show a few helpful tips for beginners or even if you need a refresher as we all do from time to time.

Showing SFC transitions, step timers, tag usages for stepping through the SFC, & more in a short video to help guide you in your PLC programming journey.

0:00 Adding an SFC routine
1:10 Adding a JSR for processor scanning
1:30 Explaining a Step in SFC programming
2:05 Using Time In An SFC Step for logical use
2:30 Explaining a Transition in SFC programming
3:25 SFC toolbar features
4:20 Adding an Action to an SFC Step
5:25 Turning Bits on and Off Using an SFC
7:30 Downloading to the Emulate 5000 controller
8:30 Watching the SFC working
10:35 Recommended Videos for You

I hope it helped.

Thank you for watching the video.

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