The Pursuit of Happiness

3 years ago

Our country was founded to be a more perfect union, one that serves the people. Since that time, rich and powerful elites have corrupted our government, taking power away from the people in order to satisfy their lust for power, wealth and status. The Declaration of Independence says that "all men are created equal", and yet the rich and powerful have taken away our right to be treated equally. It goes on to say "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it". We have the right to take back control, to restore all of our rights and privileges that have been stolen by these evildoers. WE ARE BEING OPPRESSED BY THEIR ABUSE OF POWER IN THE SAME WAY THAT THE BRITISH HAD DONE LONG AGO! We must gather together and FIGHT to regain what is RIGHTFULLY OURS! Join the New American Revolution.

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