Chapter 7: Dr. Fauci, Mr. Hyde: NIAID’S Barbaric and Illegal Experiments on Children

2 years ago

Pages 243-254

There is now no line between public and private entities, allowing our tax-payer funded “public servants” to profit from for-profit companies business adventures.

BOOK, Page 245: “The 1980 Bayh-Dole Act allowed NIAID - and Dr. Fauci personally - to file patents on the hundreds of new drugs that his agency-funded PIs were incubating, and then to license those drugs to pharmaceutical companies and collect royalties on their sales.

Hmm, is it a conflict of interest to have the person mandating drugs be the one who patented them and makes royalties from them?

From 1988 until 2002, Dr. Fauci allowed experiments on hundreds of of HIV-positive foster children. Many of these kids had no advocate to protect them from the purely experimental non-therapeutic procedures enacted on them.

BOOK, Page 246: If children refused the drugs, they were held down and force-fed, if they still resisted they were taken to the hospital where a surgeon inserted a plastic tube through their abdominal wall where the drugs were injected directly into their intestines.

For AIDS “research” - children went blind, had strokes, and died - the ones that survived had debilitating side-effects from the drugs.

These experimental interventions were done primarily on children of color - 64% of these innocents were African American and 30% were Latino, this is what some would call “racist”.

BOOK, Page 250: Among the entities paying off these institutions where children and infants from foster care were experimented on were, the NIH, “Merck, Bristol Meyers Squibb, MicroGenesys, Biocine, Glaxo, Wellcome, and Pfizer”.

Because of the secretive and manipulative behavior of NIAID and the pharmaceutical companies “entrusted” to conduct this type of barbaric research, it is not known how many children were actually used as test subjects and how many died.

BOOK, Page 252: What we do know is that since Fauci has taken over the NIAID, at least 14,000, many of them of Black and Hispanic origins, were experimented on - with no oversight.

No one has been held accountable for this to date.

More in the next installment.

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