Pfizer Drug Reaction = VAIDS, Parkinsons, Down Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis

2 years ago

Pfizer adverse reaction data release March 1 2022

As of the information on page 6 & 7, between the launch of Pfizer (Dec 2020) and the end of February 2021, they were advised of 42,086 adverse reactions!!!

Of which, 1223, were FATAL, 11,361 people had not recovered (could become fatal?) and 9,400 cases resulted in unknown outcomes (possibly fatal?).

What’s also alarming is that 20,000 more women reported adverse reactions… could this be because women are more susceptible to side effects or just more likely to report?

For anyone who tried to urge people to get this vaccine past June 2021, you best start repenting now. You can no longer hide behind “safe and effective”.

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