Transhumanism: Coming to God Another Way (gHOST in a sHELL)

2 years ago

In this video we will look at mans attempt to attain ETERNAL LIFE another way as codified in songs like "Stairway to Heaven" and others who believe the "Original Lie" to be like God!? It came to mind that Transhumanism is a false temple with a false spirit... Like Cain who tried to approach God his own way... "The Way of Cain" who murdered his brother over jealousy after Able approached God with a blood sacrifice acceptable to God...not by works.

Consider God's Tabernacle in the Wilderness not, the Temple ... Tabernacle: "And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so
shall ye make it" [Exodus 25:8, 9].

This court was surrounded by a fence, made in one unbroken place, except for the opening for the gate, placed in the center of the East side of the enclosure. This fence was woven of pure, white, fine linen, at least 7 1/2 feet high, and held upright by posts of acacia wood. The lower
end of each of these posts was fitted into a socket, sunk into an oblong block of brass, weighing sixty pounds. Some have contended that these posts were covered with brass, but this is not certain.

Brass always symbolizes "judgment" wherever it appears in the Word of GOD. Wherever a specific symbol is used, it holds that meaning, throughout the Divine revelation. For instance, leaven symbolizes evil. Where used symbolically, it can represent only evil, wherever the word
is found. As we begin to study these types and symbols, the reader should keep this basic rule of interpretation constantly in mind.

Acacia wood abounded in the region through which Israel journeyed. It was very hard in texture and was practically indestructible. It formed the basis of everything connected with the Tabernacle and its furniture. It stands for the indestructible, unchanging Word of GOD. The fine, white linen symbolizes the unchanging Word of GOD. The fine, white linen symbolizes the righteousness and holiness of GOD. Hence, the fence, upheld by posts of acacia-wood, speak of GOD's holiness, as revealed and unvaryingly upheld in both the Old and New Testament Scriptures.

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