Pronouns And Gender Are Bullshit....For The Most Part

3 years ago

Can we be honest? Why does everyone have to know what gender you are? Since when in society do we ever have to bring our gender into a conversation? It is so self indulgent, selfish and narcissistic to think everyone gives a crap what gender you are. I cant think of a conversation I've had where someone needed or even wanted to tell me their gender. If you feel a need to tell everyone what gender you are, get over yourself. Nobody cares ;)
Every Friday at noon catch our NEW PODCAST featuring conversations without worrying about genders and pronouns or hypocritical rants like that sell out Trevor Noah!

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Creator Of Pervert Pete, Cam Girl Diaries and HoeCast Comedy. Its been a lot of fun making videos and I love talking to you all, as these past years have been a roller coaster ride and for those of you thats been here since the original 100K channel, I appreciate you and your support and its been great getting to know so many of you! Thank you all for your long time support and I hope you enjoy my new project HoeCast Comedy :)
#OffensivePodcasts #pronouns #GenderPronouns

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