Horse And Cat Best Friends Is The Best Thing

3 years ago

Did you know that a cat and a horse can be best friends? If you don't believe it, watch this video! Horses and cats are totally different animals, and the horse is at least ten times larger than the cat. The truth is that despite their great differences, this horse and this cat are the best friends, in fact they do not stop playing and having fun together, they can spend the whole day together playing outdoors on the farm. Both horses and cats are quite sociable animals, maybe that's why they get along very well and are best friends. You may never see a friendship as good as this!

When a horse and a cat meet for the first time, the cat has a tendency to meow because it is an unknown being. These types of behaviors must be eliminated, since they can make the horse feel intimidated and react abruptly. The horse is usually larger than the cat in terms of constitution, but it usually happens that it can be scared of the cat since, by nature, the horse is an escape animal and the cat is a predator. This does not mean that these two animals cannot get along and even form a great team living in harmony

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