“Fortune favours the brave” ~Publius Terence

2 years ago

“Fortune favours the brave”
~Publius Terence

What is bravery these days?

I just saw an incredible act of bravery. On FB. Yep you read correctly.
A man in a dads group I’m in shared that yesterday he had almost committed suicide. That his wife found and stopped him at the last minute.

It was that brief. He didn’t play victim. He didn’t tell a story of why. He just chose to give this small post to other men.

His motivation was simple. To share himself honestly so that another man might not go that route. That a man who doesn’t have a wife and might not have that person, might feel connected and not alone.

Even for a moment that man might realise that the feelings will pass. And that he is stronger and more resilient than he believes.

If your feeling alone. Hopeless. Confused AF. Angry.
Reach out. Ask for help. Ask questions. Your not alone.

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