HOLY SPIRIT and me FREE Weekly Bible Study, (PART ONE) Week 24 {March 1, 2022}

2 years ago

Jesus Absolutely LOVES YOU !

It doesn’t matter what you've done or even what you're doing now... JESUS LOVES YOU ! Receive His Heart of Love that beats for you right now:
"Jesus, I need You to fill my hurting heart with Who You are and with Your Love for me. Forgive me and cleanse me and fill me overflowing with Your Holy Spirit and with Your Joy and Peace. I receive You as my Savior, Lord and Friend right now. Thank You Jesus, Amen."

I am the Righteousness of God IN Christ Jesus
I renounce satan, his already defeated kingdom and all his evil works
I accept and receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, Lord and Friend
I grow in the Knowledge of God, in stature and in Divine Wisdom
I put on Christ like putting on new clothes
I Live because Christ Lives IN me
I am the head always and only. I am never the tail. I am always above and never beneath
I think about the things of Heaven not the things of the earth
I open my mouth with Wisdom and the Law of Kindness is found on my tongue
I am both willing and obedient to be mightily used by Abba, Father
I have wealth and riches; enduring wealth and justice
I choose The Lord as my only Source of every supply. I seek the perfect Will of Daddy God, lean on Him and Trust in Him alone and not on my own understanding.
I know that my home is always safe. When I survey my possessions, nothing will be missing.
I receive a Continuous outpouring of Your Spirit of Grace and Prayer Daddy
The Lord of Hosts has assigned officials to everything concerning me, He has given the COMMAND, “Give back everything that belongs to me with interest, including all my income from the day it was stolen until now
I Love the Lord my Daddy God with ALL of my heart, soul, might, mind and strength
As a result of Believing Papa God I raise the dead, cast out demons, speak in tongues, lay hands on the sick and see them recover
I am the apple of my Heavenly Father’s Eyes and His prized possession
I am a doer of Daddy God’s Holy Word, not just a hearer
I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus Who Strengthens me
I am Filled overflowing with and baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues
I dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High God and abide under the Shadow of The Almighty
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to bring the Good News to the poor, to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives, to set at liberty those in prison, to give sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf
I walk only and Always in the Spirit. I never fulfill the lusts of the flesh
I am Holy, healthy, whole, wealthy and wise
I have the spirit of excellence
I operate from the Spirit of Insight, Wisdom and Revelation, Council and Might, Knowledge of God and the Holy Respectful Fear of the Lord
I leave an inheritance of Spiritual and financial wealth to my children’s children
All my children are taught of the Lord Most High and Great is their Peace
I am Saved by Grace through Faith, for good works
I ask You Father and receive of You, the nations as my inheritance, the ends of the earth as my possession
I WILL fulfill my destiny and enjoy a long, enjoyable, prosperous Life with Daddy, Jesus and Holy Spirit on the earth
Holy Spirit is working in me giving me both the desire and the power to do the things that please Him
The Law of The Spirit of Life has Redeemed me from the law of sin and death
The Blood of Christ Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness
Holy Spirit sanctifies me, showering me with the Pure Water of The Holy Word of GOD
In Christ Jesus I am redeemed from all sin, known and unknown
I teach my children and my children’s children about The Lord
I demonstrate the Kingdom of Heaven in speech and in Power
Healing is my daily bread
My gifts from God make room for me, bringing me before important people
I Decree and Declare the JOY of The Lord IS my Strength
In Jesus Christ I walk in sound wisdom and keen discernment
The Lord God fills my Life with GOOD THINGS. He renews my youth as the eagles. My body is firm and youthful again
The Word of the Lord is health, healing and wholeness to my entire being
I Live to enjoy my great grandchildren and we have continuous Peace
As Jesus increases in me, my flesh decreases
I declare that from my inner most being I respectfully fear The Lord, I Live in a way pleasing to Him and I both Love and serve Him with all of my heart and soul
Daddy Blesses me continuously and enlarges my territory. His Hand is always upon me keeping me from grief and from causing grief
I have eyes that see and ears that hear. These are Gifts from my Daddy God’s Heart
The Lord of Heaven’s Armies fights for me
The Lord is a Shield around me. The Lord is my Glory. He lifts my head high
I walk in the Authority of Jesus Christ
No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgment I condemn. This is my inheritance as a child of The Most High God Who says that my vindication is from Him
By Holy Spirit's leading, my ways continue to please the Lord, so Daddy causes even my enemies to be at Peace with me
I am the Apple of Daddy God’s Eyes and I am the Light of the world
The Lord has planted me in my own home and has Blessed me with a Godly, happy marriage. He has given me beautiful, healthy children, who are all taught by Him
ALL of my children Live in Security. My children’s children thrive in Your Presence Daddy.
May all my thoughts be pleasing to You Daddy, for I Rejoice in You.
I am Holy just as Jesus is Holy and I am Perfect just as Jesus is Perfect
I Love the Lord my God with ALL of my heart, ALL of my mind, ALL of my soul, ALL of my might, ALL of my strength
More than anything else, I constantly seek Daddy’s Kingdom and His Righteousness. Because of my choice to Live this way, Daddy continues adding every good thing to my life and my family. AMEN !!

1. Declare yourself cleansed by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST

2. Take your Authority over ALL the kingdom of darkness

3. Call the names of All those you’re extending your Authority for including the Global Church

4. COMMAND the Heavenly Hosts/Armies to pull down, uproot, tear down and destroy by Holy Fire ALL darkness devised in ANY way against us

5. Command the Hosts to arrest the demonic and chain them with fetters of iron in a dry place to await Divine Judgement


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