The Douglas Coleman Show VE with Wes Miller

3 years ago

WES MILLER is an upcoming film-making powerhouse, with a dedication to exploring the ongoing social and cultural problems in America. He specializes in exploring pulpy slices of Americana violence through the eyes of flawed characters. Miller was raised in Memphis, TN, where he was a three sport athlete. He attended college at Lambuth University (now University of Memphis-Lambuth) and was an All Conference cornerback. His life's journey next took him to law school.

After raising his son as a single father and graduating towards the top of his law school class, Miller worked as a civil rights trial lawyer and completely left the practice of law in 2015 and began completely honing his skills as a visual storyteller. His 2016 release, Prayer Never Fails was nominated for awards at several festivals including the Long Beach International Film Festival. His 2018 release, River Runs Red starring Taye Diggs, George Lopez and John Cusack has won numerous awards including Best Dramatic Film at the Downtown Los Angeles Film Festival.

His next film, the western, Hell on the Border starring David Gyasi, Ron Perlman and Frank Grillo screened at multiple film festivals and for multiple Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Miller was also awarded Best Director of an Independent Film in 2020 at the Hollywood & African Prestigious Awards (HAPA) for his 2019 film release Atone. Miller has developed an exciting body of work in a short time and continues to deliver films that are commercial, socially relevant and impactful, that challenge both the eye and the mind.

A Day to Die: Bruce Willis, Leon, Kevin Dillon, Frank Grillo.

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